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Showing posts from October, 2016

Product Demonstrations That Work Wonders For Your Business

A product demonstration is one of the most effective ways that merchandising companies all over the world use to market their products or promote their brand. The very act and process of demonstrating a product to the target audience through a trained person help to break down the barriers that may exist between potential customers and an unfamiliar product. Even in a world that is awash with many other marketing techniques and strategies, a well-designed and executed product demonstration is still one of the most successful ways to get people to overcome their hesitation and buy the product. ADC has proved its mettle in this field by successfully executing a wide range of demonstrations for companies spanning a diverse spectrum of industry verticals. From multinational companies to startups, businesses have benefited from the alluring and effective demonstrations designed by ADC. These demonstrations have been showcased everywhere from high-end boutique malls to the ne...